Redirection is over!

Redirection is over!

Last cloudfront issue

Finally the domain is actually responding without pointing to The last issue preventing the production cloudfront distribution from working was:

  • The lambda@edge function that was linked to development distribution was at version 5, while its cloudformation output value was pointing to version 1
  • The cloudformation stack deployed with production distribution read the output value and pointed to version 1, which wasn’t quite ready yet.
  • Changing the lambda@edge link in production distribution from version 1 to version 5, ending the arn for the lambda with “:5” instead of “:1”, did the trick.

Fire up staging pipeline

Now that both domains have their own distribution responding, it was time to facilitate testing.

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Domain migration (what I shouldn't have done)

Domain migration (what I shouldn't have done)


For the next steps of this blog, I wanted to migrate the domain from the first AWS account I’ve signed to the second one (the one that actually has the real site going on,
These poses a few threats:

  • The registered domain should be moved to the first account to the second, and should continue serving the old site (now a placeholder with redirects)
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Website automation and what's next

Website automation and what's next


This website is build with Hexo, a static NodeJS blog framework. It allows a developer to define pages, posts, and all the elements using markdown format. Then the framework compiles them into static html, and the website is ready to be deployed on an accessible repository.

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Got my AWS certification!
Welcome to (yet) another dev blog

Welcome to (yet) another dev blog


This site is intended as a repository of dev attempts, mainly dedicated to aws. Please enjoy the journey!


The blog is a completely static website hosted on Amazon AWS S3, served by Cloudfront. The domain name is registered on Route53, and the configuration is (almost) on a CloudFormation template, which is resembled in the cover of this post

Two domains

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